> @jimp/plugin-blit@1.1.1 test:browser /Users/andrewlisowski/Documents/jimp/plugins/plugin-blit > vitest --config vitest.config.browser.mjs "--watch=false" "--u"  RUN  v1.4.0 /Users/andrewlisowski/Documents/jimp/plugins/plugin-blit  Browser runner started at http://localhost:5176/ [?25l ✓ src/index.test.ts (6) ✓ Blit over image (6) ✓ blit on top, with no crop ✓ blit on middle, with no crop ✓ blit on middle, with x,y crop ✓ blit on middle, with x,y,w,h crop ✓ blit partially out, on top-left ✓ blit partially out, on bottom-right  ✓ src/index.test.ts (6) ✓ Blit over image (6) ✓ blit on top, with no crop ✓ blit on middle, with no crop ✓ blit on middle, with x,y crop ✓ blit on middle, with x,y,w,h crop ✓ blit partially out, on top-left ✓ blit partially out, on bottom-right  Test Files  1 passed (1)  Tests  6 passed (6)  Start at  00:42:10  Duration  6.50s (transform 0ms, setup 0ms, collect 308ms, tests 4ms, environment 0ms, prepare 0ms) [?25h[?25h